Actor Neha Dhupia, who has been constantly giving shout outs to Shah Rukh Khan and his latest release Pathaan did it once again. A Twitter user recently wrote: "Almost 2 decade back Neha Dhupia had given a statement 'only sex or Shah Rukh Khan sells' and that stays true even today! #Pathaan #Pathaan100crWorldwide #PathaanRoars." Responding to the tweet, the actress wrote: "20 years on, my statement rings true. This is not an "actor's career" but a "King's reign"! #KingKhan." Back in 2004, during the promotions of her film Julie, Neha Dhupia had said, "In today's time, either sex sells or Shah Rukh Khan."
Read Neha Dhupia's tweet here:
20 years on, my statement rings true.
— Neha Dhupia (@NehaDhupia) January 28, 2023
This is not an "actor's career" but a "King's reign"! #KingKhan @iamsrk
After watching Pathaan in theatres, Neha Dhupia wrote this in a tweet last week: "It was a packed house, there were whistles, there was cheer and our hearts rejoiced...We laughed on beat, we applauded on every dialogue and we jumped out of our seats on cue each time Pathaan kicked. Shah Rukh Khan, thank you for you...This is what cinematic victory looks like."
She added in the tweet: "Shah Rukh Khan, the love we have for you is hard to explain. Deepika Padukone, you set the screen on fire with your gaze and your kicks and tricks. John Abraham, you make bad look so good! Salman Khan, we would go back to the cinemas to watch the best cameo in history. Pathaan is here to stay."
@iamsrk The love we have for you is hard to explain. @deepikapadukone u set the screen on fire with ur gaze n ur kicks and tricks #JohnAbraham u make bad look so good! @BeingSalmanKhan we would go back to the cinemas to watch the best cameo in history #pathan is here to stay!!!
— Neha Dhupia (@NehaDhupia) January 26, 2023
In terms of box office, Pathaan has earned Rs 542 crore crore gross worldwide within 5 days of its release. Box office success aside, the film has been equally adept at impressing the critics. In his review for NDTV, film critic Saibal Chatterjee gave the film 3.5 stars out of 5 and he wrote: "Phenomenally entertaining and consistently engaging, Pathaan, for all the derivative genre components it compiles, is a spy thriller that crackles with energy."
from NDTV News- Special