Kiara Advani and Sidharth Malhotra's wedding has been making headlines for the past few days. The star-studded event has brought many Bollywood celebs all the way to Jaisalmer where the wedding is taking place. Shahid Kapoor, Mira Kapoor, Karan Johar and more celebs are attending the wedding. The high-profile wedding has been planned like a carnival, showcasing Indian traditions through regional foods, dances, singing and handicrafts. We had earlier revealed how the wedding menu centred around Rajasthani food along with Punjabi food.
We may like to occasionally try international cuisines but classic Indian food is what our heart belongs to. Kiara Advani and Sidharth Malhotra caught the pulse of Indians' preferences and offered their guests a slice of India. And the guests seem to be loving it, at least Juhi Chawla did. She posted a picture of her breakfast on Instagram, and it was all things traditional.
Also Read: Kiara Advani-Sidharth Malhotra's Wedding Food Menu Will Be A Traditional Affair
The morning meal was arranged on a large wooden tray lined with a cotton napkin. The meal had two stuffed parathas paired with two small earthen bowls of curd and pickle. To balance the flavours, jaggery was added to the traditional thali. There was also a drink next to the plate and we are guessing it would be a glass of lassi or milk. The meal came with white plates, cutlery, napkins, paper straw for the drink and salt and pepper shakers. But this highlight of the spread is the bright orange marigold flower to brighten up the meal and follow the age-old Indian tradition.
"My desi breakfast -not to miss the pickles, gud and dahi served in kasa and mitti ka bartan with paper straw and the marigold flower... Love my Indian tradition," wrote Juhi Chawla on the image.
(Also Read: 17 Best Indian Recipes | Popular Indian Recipes)
This is just Juhi Chawla's traditional breakfast served in the room. We can only imagine how appealing the wedding spread would be.
from NDTV News- Special