The Indian cricket team uploaded a reel on Monday from its pre-World Cup 2023 shoot. The clip had India skipper Rohit Sharma, Jasprit Bumrah, KL Rahul, Suryakumar Yadav, Mohammed Shami, Mohammed Siraj, Ravichandran Ashwin, Shardul Thakur and Ishan Kishan all posing in front of a 360-degree rotating camera. "Raring to go for #CWC23," wrote the Indian cricket team while sharing the picture on its official Instagram account. The fans were quick to notice that star India batter Virat Kohli was missing in the reel and they didn't waste time in questioning why the player was left out. Some even mentioned that the reel would be incomplete without Kohli.
Watch the reel here:
"I am waiting for Virat but Virat is not in this video, why?" wrote a fan.
"This reel is incomplete without Virat," wrote another fan.
"Without Virat Kohli in this reel is like a food without spice", "Where is our king Kohli" and "King missing" were some of the other comments.
Kohli had to reportedly fly back to Mumbai from Guwahati because of reported 'personal emergency' while the rest of the Indian squad arrived in Trivandrum for their second warm-up game against the Netherlands.
Though the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) hasn't given any confirmation if Kohli will miss the warm-up game, a report claims that the star batter will return in time for the Netherlands clash -- set to take place on October 3 -- and join his teammates.
Kohli remains one of the pillars in the Indian team. Though the Netherlands warm-up game isn't of absolute importance, the batter would want to get some runs under his belt considering the last match against England was abandoned due to rain.
from NDTV News- Special