Salim Khan celebrated his 89th birthday on Friday. Salim Khan's daughter Arpita Khan shared an inside picture from the celebrations and it's a blockbuster one. The entire Khan family can be seen posing together for a grand frame. In the picture, Salim Khan, his first wife Salma Khan, Helen, Sohail Khan's elder son Nirvan, Arbaaz Khan's son Arhaan can be seen seated in the first row. In the second row, Salman Khan can be seen posing with brothers Arbaaz and Sohail, sisters Alvira, Arpita and brothers-in-law Atul Agnihotri and Aayush Sharma. Arpita-Aayush's children Ahil and Ayat can also be spotted in the picture. Arpita Khan wrote in the caption, "Happy 89th birthday Dad."
Sohail Khan also shared an inside picture with the birthday boy. In the picture he can be seen posing with his two sons Nirvan, Yohan and Arhaan and Salim Khan. He wrote in the caption, "Happy birthday cowboy, we exist because of you." Take a look:
Salman Khan wished his father with a heartwarming note on Friday. Salman Khan shared a picture with his father in which they can be seen relaxing in a garden-like area. The father and son can be seen wearing similar coloured shirts as well. Salman Khan wrote in the caption, "Happy Birthday My Tiger." Salman Khan's third film of the Tiger franchise Tiger 3 is running in theatres and the film already crossed the ₹ 250 crore mark at the box office. It's not difficult to understand that Salman who plays the character of Tiger on-screen looks up to his father and calls him "My Tiger" in the caption. Cricketer Harbhajan Singh wrote in the comments section, "Happy Birthday." Sarod player Amaan Ali Khan wrote, "Precious moments." Take a look at the post here:
Veteran Salim Khan is best-known for writing superhits like Zanjeer, Seeta Aur Geeta and Sholay among many others. Salman Khan was last seen in Tiger 3. The first film Ek Tha Tiger released in 2012 and was directed by Kabir Khan. The second film of the franchise Tiger Zinda Hai released in 2017. It was directed by Ali Abbas Zafar. Both the films did well at the box office. Salman Khan recently attended the special screening of Farrey, which marked the debut of his niece Alizeh Agnihotri. Alizeh is the daughter of Salman's sister Alvira and Atul Agnihotri.
from NDTV News- Special