On Sunday morning, Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor were spotted outside their house, amid tight security. This marked the couple's first outing since the attack on Saif on January 16, after which he was admitted in Lilavati Hospital in Bandra, Mumbai.
The couple were spotted by the paparazzi outside their Bandra home, as they walked out and got into their car. They were also surrounded by police, who have been deployed following the attack on Saif.
In the video, Saif and Kareena are sporting a casual look. While Kareena is seen in a casual grey sweatshirt, with black track pants and a baseball cap, Saif is wearing a navy blue t-shirt and a pair of denims. He paired the outfit with dark sunglasses.
Watch the viral video here:
For the unversed, Saif was attacked in his Bandra home around 2:30 am on January 16. He sustained six stab wounds. Post his admission, he underwent emergency surgery at the hospital, where he was treated.
from NDTV News- Special https://ift.tt/gjqvrKn